Knotweed Structure

Place: Roskilde and Various Locations
Type: Performative Ceramic Firing
Date: 2021–Ongoing

Collaboration: Museum of Contemporary Art Roskilde

Knotweed Structure is a site-specific firing sculpture consisting of massive clay sculptures designed and burned on-site. 
The procedure involves stacking a heat-resistant base and building the sculpture on top, with apertures for firing. The piece is made completely of clay tubes reinforced with Japanese knotweed and has a cross-section inspired by the Japanese knotweed stem. The heat from the fire channels up through the clay, similar to a large capillary system. After drying the clay, I wrap the sculpture with ceramic wool and slowly heat the firing chamber with wood. After a full day of fire, the clay reaches a temperature that allows me to remove the felt and show the sculpture. which will glow red in the twilight.

Knotweed Structure No 5 and 6.

Part of my soloshow “Daydream Ritual” at Bricksgallery 2022 

Knotweed structure No 3 

Folkeparken in Roskilde in collaboration with Samtidskunst museet i Roskilde

Knotweed structure No 4 

Omø, Oktober 2021

Knotweed structure NO 1 and 2

Lejre, Bisserup 2021

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Morten plesner 2024