Neolith Tech

Place: GravelArt, Sorø, DK
Date: 2021–2024
Type: artist organized group Show

Neolith Tech is a collection of sculptures that investigate the junction between primordial simplicity and speculative aesthetics. 

The pieces appear to be parts of an unknown civilization's logic, with vertical structures like stacks and totems acting as metaphors for humanity's need for order and transcendence.

Their tactile properties inspire an aesthetic experience that spans time and culture. Through improvisation and process, a visual language evolves, balancing the ancient and futuristic, and becoming embedded in a speculative aesthetic that feels both foreign and intrinsically human.

NeolithTech - Gravelart Powergrid

wood fired earthenware.

Giant Puffball Arrangement

Living willow, cork, carbon fiber, and branches

Blue Cloud Beacon

Eathenware, blue smokebombs and aluminum.

GravelArt Posters:

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Morten plesner 2024